Copyright Permission

You represent and warrant that you own rights to the content submitted and have properly licensed any images, graphics, audio or other work used in the final work and have written consent from any third-party copyright holders (collaborators, publication, etc.) to submit the work and for promotional usage by Open Show.

Promotional Usage

If your work is selected, you grant Open Show the right to use your work for the purpose of promoting the Open Show event you participate in, including, but not limited to media, web, print, email, and social media marketing. Any copyrights you or others hold for the submitted work are retained by those copyright holders. Where possible all work will be attributed to the submitter. If credit is inadvertently missing, the creator has the right to ask for the work to be immediately taken down or properly attributed.

Future Inclusion

Submitted work will be archived by Open Show and considered for future Open Show events. The submitter will be contacted by the relevant Open Show chapter organizers for acceptance of presenting again or for the first time of previously submitted work. You can request for your work to be removed at any point from Open Show's archives upon written request to the organizer for the submission city.

Partner Opportunities

Your work may be shared with Open Show's partners for their consideration for representation, licensing or purchase. The purpose of this is to provide additional distribution and financial benefit to you. Any commercial usage through partners will require your written consent.


You indemnify and hold harmless Open Show, its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, sponsors, hosts, volunteers, officers and employees from any liability, damage or costs from any claim or demand made by any third-party.